Carnival Ball
As every year, Banana Boat provides a rousing programme of music at our annual carnival ball. Other highlights are the grandiose performances by the elevens from the Regina Rüger ballet school and, of course, the prince and princess Katharina I and Frederik I from the Narhalla carnival society with their prince and princess guard. Truderinger love original costumes and we award the prize for the best, funniest or most unusual costume of the evening. You can dance and party all evening and into the night.
The advance sale is over. You can come to the box office and still ask for tickets there. The box office is open from one hour before the start of the event.
Where does the event happen?
Kulturzentrum Trudering
Wasserburger Landstr. 32
81825 München
When does the event happen?
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A service fee of €1.00 per ticket will be added to the order total.