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Luise Kinseher

**Painting walls. Set sail.

The furniture is out. The Kinseher sits in her empty flat and suddenly has an infinite amount of space: she could slide down the corridor unhindered on socks, finally dance expansively to ABBA or have a Bobby Car race, if it weren't for this huge hole in the floor: it started with a small dent in the parquet, then it became a crack, finally at some point the hole. Since then, a lot of specialists have been at work, real craftsmen have been waiting for years! No one can say for sure: Was the hole always there and no one noticed it? Could the hole have been prevented if it had been detected earlier? Is this just a temporary hole or the beginning of the end?
the beginning of the end? What comes after the hole and who is actually to blame? The architect? A mould fungus? Or did the dachshund dig it? And is painting the walls still worthwhile in this rocked-out flat?
Before Kinseher answers these far-reaching questions, she first opens a bottle of bubbly: It's time to say goodbye! Unforgettable the cosy evenings in front of the fireplace, the happy hours around the cooker, the familiar humming of the fridge! Oh, it was so nice: back when the ground was still whole under their feet.
Come with us on LUISE KINSEHERS new, exciting and daring cabaret expedition. The earth has been completely explored, measured and numbered, but we have overlooked something: Ourselves!
LUISE KINSEHER sets sail for the far reaches of the human soul.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday